徐万康 设计指导
时隔几乎一年,断断续续的集合。有些品牌还没完成,有些已经完成! 其中一些纯LOGO设计,有些是品牌! 用途:商业委托,所有字体归合作方所有,部分已经商用。禁止转载! After almost a year, the collection is intermittent. Some brands aren't finished yet, some are! Some of them are pure LOGO designs, some are brand! Purpose: Commercial commission, all fonts are owned by the partner, some have been commercial. Do not reprint!
毫克字迹 X 巴黎奥运·中国加油
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毫克字迹 X 票据设计
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毫克字迹 X 好柿发生
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毫克字迹 X 二十四节气
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毫克字迹X金榜题名 · 高考加油2024
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